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Measured Drawing

Project 1

This project was an individual assignment, where I was tasked with creating a sketch journal through manual. The main purpose of the sketches were to capture the feeling and sense of place of our site, Jenjarom Heritage Stay and the surrounding site context.

Project 2

For this project, I was assigned Revit team leader, where we were tasked with producing the technical drawings for the Jenjarom Heritage Stay house. We had a prior site visit to the house, where the entire class worked together to measure the house and produce sketches with the exact measurements. Then based on the sketches, the 3D model is made in revit.

The main purpose of this was a conservation and preservation method of the Jenjarom Heritage Stay house, as the drawings serve as a reference fo future conservation efforts.


I've learned a lot throughout this module, mainly technical and leadership skills. With the standard of drawings being quite high, I have refined these technical drawings skills quite a bit. Being the leader, I have also learned how to manage people and how to divide a revit project, making timelines and expectations. It was not easy, but these experiences will help me greatly in my future architecture endeavours.

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